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10 Essential Tips for your Home Network Security

Home network security is essential for keeping your data safe and securing your devices from malicious attacks by internet hackers.

With the ever-growing number of connected devices in our homes, it is more important now than ever to protect your wi fi network.

Whether you’re using a wired or wireless router connection, here are our Top 10 home network security tips:

1. Change the Default Administrator Password:

For starters, always change the default administrator password for your router – this will help deter hackers from attempting to gain access and make your router harder to hack.

change password

Choose a strong password with a combination of numbers, symbols and letters. You can also consider using a password manager to keep your passwords safe.

2. Update Your Router Firmware Periodically:

Regularly updating your router firmware is another good way to protect your home network from malicious attacks.

This will ensure the latest security patches are applied which may help fix any potential vulnerabilities that hackers can use to gain access.

Many routers will alert you when a new firmware update is available , however it’s always best to check the manufacturer’s website on a regular basis just in case.

3. Use Firewalls:

One of the most effective methods for keeping your network secure is by using firewall protection. This helps to filter out malicious software and block any unwanted traffic from entering your network.


Most routers come with built-in firewalls but you can also consider using third party firewall software for added security.

Firewall software options

  • Norton Security Suite
  • McAfee Total Protection
  • Kaspersky Internet Security
  • AVG Antivirus
  • Bitdefender Total Security

By installing Antivirus software and implementing firewall protection, you can add another layer of defence to protect your home network.

4. Enable Network Encryption:

For an added layer of protection, enabling encryption on your router will help keep your network safe against hackers trying to gain access and steal your data.

The two most commonly used encryption methods are WPA2 or WPA3, both of which are much more secure than the older WEP protocol.


Be sure to select a strong password when enabling encryption as it will be required when connecting new devices to your network.

By enabling encryption on your router, you are essentially scrambling the data travelling between devices which makes it harder for hackers to intercept and read your data.

5. Disable Remote Access:

By default, many routers will allow remote access for administrators to make changes or check settings on the router from anywhere in the world.

Disabling this feature is recommended to prevent any unwanted access by hackers attempting to gain access and control of your router remotely.

6.Make sure router is not EOL and is still receiving firmware security updates:

It is important to ensure that your router is not End of Life (EOL) and is still receiving firmware security updates from the manufactures.


Old routers can be vulnerable to hacking attempts, as they do not receive the latest security patches and may contain exploitable vulnerabilities.

7.Secure Your Wi-Fi Network:

Your Wi fi network and wireless connection should be encrypted with a strong WPA2 password.

A WPA2 password should use a combination of random numbers, symbols and letters to make it harder for hackers to crack.

To keep your password secure, avoid using dictionary words as they are easier to guess.

You can also consider using a random password generator tool or password manager such as LastPass or 1Password.

8.Service Set Identifier (SSID)

Also do not broadcast the network name (SSID) of your wireless internet connection as this will make it easier for hackers to gain access.

If possible, restrict wireless access to specific connected devices only and keep a record of MAC addresses connected to your network.

9.Hide your IP address

Your IP address should also be hidden so that hackers can’t use it to gain access.

This is often referred to as IP masquerading or network address translation (NAT).

You may need to contact your ISP for help in configuring this feature.

You can check your IP address by using a website such as

10.Be vigilant, Don’t click links in emails

Finally, it is important to be vigilant and not click on links in emails that you are unsure of.


Phishing scams are a common way for hackers to gain access to your network.

Make sure you only visit legitimate sites with an HTTPS connection and avoid downloading software from unverified sources.

Additional things to help improve your home network

Home Network Security is essential to protect yourself from cyber threats. By following the tips above, you can help secure your home network and keep your data safe.

Make sure to review these steps regularly and update them if necessary. With proper security measures in place, you can feel confident that your home network is safe and secure.

Here are some additional things you can do to improve your home network security:

Install a Guest Network

Creating a guest network is another great way to add an extra layer of protection to your home network security.

A guest network will allow you to limit internet access, while still allowing visitors to connect devices such as laptops or tablets to the internet.

This can be done by setting up a separate wireless connection with its own password and specific settings for guest devices.

Secure IoT devices

Internet of Things (IoT) devices such as security cameras, smart doorbells, thermostats and smart TVs are becoming increasingly popular in homes.

iot devices

However, many of these IoT devices come with their own security risks.

It is important to ensure that your IoT devices are secured properly and all default passwords are changed.

Regularly check for updates and use strong passwords for any devices that can be accessed remotely.

Secure Smart Home Devices

Smart Home Devices such as the Amazon Alexa, Google Home and Apple Homekit can also be secured by ensuring that only devices you trust have access to your home network.

You should also ensure that any personal data is encrypted when stored on the cloud.

All Devices connected to you your home WI-FI network should also kept up to date with the latest security patches and antivirus software.

Verify Connected Devices

It is important to regularly verify all devices connected to your home WIFI network and ensure that only authorized devices have access.

wifi connected devices

You can do this by checking the list of connected devices in your router settings.

If you find any suspicious activity or devices, take action immediately to secure your home network.

Update your Router settings

It is a good idea to regularly update your router settings.

Your router settings can be changed to add extra login security, such as two-factor authentication.

This can be done by logging into router’s interface, you should check here for firewall updates and ensure your wireless connection is set to auto and manually select one with less interference from other networks in your area.

Router login credentials should also be regularly changed to help prevent unauthorized access.

If your internet access point is not up to date or cannot be updated, then it may be time to look at investing in a new router.

Most routers especially newer ones will come with the latest security features which can help to protect your WIFI network.

Wireless Routers Vs Wired Routers

Wireless Routers offer the flexibility of remote access to the internet without being tethered to a physical connection.

However, since wireless connections are vulnerable to attack, it is important to take steps to secure them.

Wireless routers should be switched off when not in use, as this will help to reduce the risk of hackers gaining access.

Wired Routers, on the other hand, offer greater security as internet traffic is routed through a physical connection rather than over the air.

Therefore, it is important to ensure your home network has both wired and wireless routers connected for optimum protection.

Monitor Network Activity

It’s also important to keep an eye on your WIFI network activity by regularly checking your router logs.

This will help you to identify any suspicious activity or devices that may be trying to access your home.

If you are technically inclined, you can also use a network monitoring tool, such as Wireshark to monitor your home network traffic and identify any suspicious activity. This is advanced level stuff though, you have been warned!

Router Location

The location of your router should also be considered, as it is important to make sure that it is not easily accessible by others.

wireless router

It is recommended that your router is placed in a central location within your home and at least 10 feet away from any metal objects such as microwaves or cordless phones.

Use a VPN for additional home network security

For additional home wi fi network security, consider using a VPN (virtual private network).

A VPN can help to protect your personal data from being intercepted by hackers.

VPNs also help to hide your IP address and encrypt any data sent or received over the internet.


Consider Changing your IP address

Finally, if you suspect that there is someone trying to gain access to your internet connection then it may be a good idea to consider changing your IP address.

You can do this by resetting your router or by contacting your ISP.

WPA3 Router

The current standard for home wireless networks is WPA3 and it offers higher levels of encryption for Wi-Fi connections as well as improved authentication methods.

If your router does not support WPA3, then you should consider upgrading to a router that supports this security protocol.

What is the best home network Security?

The best home wi fi network security is a combination of different measures such as using strong passwords, regularly checking for updates, encrypting data and limiting access to authorized devices.

You should also regularly scan your WIFI network to identify any suspicious activity or devices that may have gained access.

Do I need Home network security?

Yes, it is important to protect your home network from potential security threats.

By taking the necessary precautions such as using a guest network, securing IoT devices, regularly verifying connected devices and updating router settings you can help to ensure that your home network remains secure.

It is also important to use a VPN for additional protection when accessing a public Wi-Fi network.

Finally, it is a good idea to keep an eye on your network activity and make sure that your router is placed in a secure location.

How do I know my home network is secure?

You will know your wi fi network is secure by regularly taking steps to ensure it remains secure.

If you do have a security breach, then you should take immediate action to protect your home network.

You should also look for signs of suspicious activity on the connected devices, such as random or unrecognized data usage, slow internet speeds or invalid login attempts.

If any of these occur, it’s important to take steps immediately to secure your home network.


By following these tips and taking the necessary steps to improve securing your home security, you can ensure that your family’s personal data and sensitive information is safe from hackers and other cyber criminals.

It is also important to be proactive and stay informed about the latest security threats, as well as any changes in technology that could affect your home network security.

Keep in mind that investing in a secure router and using the latest security measures can help keep your data safe online.

Having a secure internet connection is essential for protecting your privacy and protecting your family and home.

Take the time to ensure that your home network is properly secured and give yourself peace of mind that your data is safe.

cctv cameras

CCTV Cameras and Privacy Laws: What You Need to Know

CCTV cameras are increasingly becoming a part of our modern lives, with their presence in public spaces and private properties growing each year.

They provide important security benefits, but they can also have an impact on privacy if regulations aren’t followed.

It is therefore important to understand the legal framework surrounding CCTV cameras and their use with regards to privacy in order to know what your rights and responsibilities are.

CCTV Privacy Guidelines

The use of CCTV cameras is subject to two main pieces of legislation – the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Data protection act (DPA) 1998 and the Surveillance Camera Code of Practice.

These laws provide guidance on how CCTV cameras should be used, in order to comply with privacy rights.

Here are the main guidelines to follow:

1. All CCTV cameras must be installed and used in compliance with the GDPR. This means that they must only record information relevant to their purpose, be clearly visible at all times, and not collect unnecessary personal data.

2. Data collected by CCTV cameras should be stored securely and only used for the purpose for which it was collected.

3. Signage must be displayed at the premises where CCTV cameras are installed, to inform people that recording is taking place and how their data is being used.

4. If requested by an individual in a subject access request (SAR), any video footage taken of them should be provided upon request in a timely manner.

5. If any major changes are made to the system, such as adding new cameras or upgrading existing ones, these must be communicated in advance.

These guidelines are governed by data privacy laws.

The Data Protection Act

The Data protection act 1998 (DPA) is the major law that governs how CCTV cameras and their data can be used.

It states that anyone wanting to use CCTV must have a valid reason for doing so, such as preventing crime or protecting property, and they must inform those in the area that CCTV cameras are present.

The Information Commissioner’s Office, who enforces the DPA, must also be notified of any CCTV systems being used in a public space.

In addition to this, there are additional laws that must be taken into account when installing and using CCTV cameras. For example, the Human Rights Act 1998 states that individuals have a right to privacy and it is not permissible to monitor people without a valid reason.

Surveillance Camera Code of Practice

Another important law is the Surveillance Camera Code of Practice, which sets out specific requirements for CCTV cameras in public spaces and private homes.

This includes advice on where and when to use CCTV cameras, as well as how long any footage should be kept and who can access it.

The code also states that any CCTV cameras used must be necessary and proportionate, meaning they should only be installed when there is a clear need for them.


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the overarching data privacy law in the European Union. It applies to any organisation or business that collects, stores and processes personal data, including CCTV footage.

Under GDPR, individuals must be made aware of how their data is being used, stored and processed. They also have a right to access, edit or delete their data at any time.

The European data protection board also provides further guidance for organisations on how to comply with GDPR when using CCTV cameras.


What are the 7 main principles of GDPR?

1. Compliance with the law: All data processing activities must be carried out in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
2. Transparency: Individuals should be aware of how their data is being used and have access to it when necessary.
3. Limited purpose: Data collection should only take place for specific, legitimate purposes that are necessary necessary for an organisations’ activities.
4. Data minimisation: Collecting only the data that is necessary and deleting it when no longer required.
5. Accuracy: Keeping accurate records about individuals and ensuring that any errors are corrected as soon as possible.
6. Security: Appropriate security measures must be in place to protect personal data from unauthorised access or loss.
7. Accountability: Organisations must be able to demonstrate that they are compliant with the GDPR and other relevant laws.

Who does GDPR apply to?

GDPR applies to organisations and businesses that process personal data.

This includes CCTV footage, as it contains images and videos of individuals – even if they are not identifiable.

Under GDPR, these organisations must ensure that data is collected and stored securely, with appropriate technical and organisational measures in place.

Data Processing and Data protection

It is also important to remember that any footage collected by CCTV cameras must be processed in a secure manner and stored securely.

Organisations should have procedures in place to ensure the data remains safe, such as encryption, regular backups and access control measures.

In line with data privacy laws if any CCTV footage is requested or shared with third parties, permission must be obtained from the data subject.

Data Breach

In the event of a data breach, organisations must take appropriate measures to protect any personal data that has been compromised. This could include notifying the individuals affected, changing passwords and updating security systems.

By following the guidelines outlined in this article, organisations can ensure they are compliant with data protection principles and privacy laws when using CCTV cameras. It is vital to remember that any data collected must be used for the purpose for which it was intended and treated with respect.

Although CCTV cameras provide an invaluable security service, their use can also raise privacy concerns. It is therefore important to adhere to all relevant laws and regulations when installing and using CCTV cameras, in order to protect people’s privacy and personal data.

What to do in the event of a Data breach?

In the event of a data breach, organisations must take immediate steps to protect any personal data that has been compromised. These steps include:

• Notifying individuals affected by the breach and providing them with information on how they can protect themselves.

• Changing passwords and updating security systems to prevent further breaches.

• Investigating the cause of the breach and taking steps to ensure it does not happen again.

• Reporting the data breach to the relevant supervisory authority, if required by law.

• Keeping records of any data breaches and investigating any potential misuse of data.

It is important to remember that all organisations have a responsibility to protect personal data and must take proactive measures to ensure that any data stored is secure.

Failure to do so can lead to fines or other legal repercussions. By taking the necessary steps, organisations can protect individuals’ privacy and personal data whilst also ensuring their own compliance with data protection laws.

CCTV Systems in a business Environment

It is important to consider the implications of CCTV systems in a business environment.

Private entities such as companies may use surveillance systems for monitoring their premises or staff, where allowed by law.

cctv in office

Businesses should ensure that any CCTV system installed is used for the purpose for which it was intended and that access is restricted to those who need it.

Businesses should also take steps to protect any footage collected, such as encrypting data.

Confidentiality in an Organisation

Confidentiality agreements and other measures should be put in place to ensure consent and to protect any footage from being shared without permission.

Religious beliefs, cultural practices and political opinions must also be taken into account when recording video footage. This can include ensuring that certain areas are not recorded or that any footage is only accessible to authorised personnel.

Finally, businesses should ensure they are transparent about their CCTV systems and the data being collected. This includes informing customers of the use of CCTV systems in public spaces.

CCTV in public Spaces

CCTV in public spaces or other organisations such as schools, hospitals and other public places should be used responsibly and ensure greater protection.

Data Controllers should ensure that any CCTV system installed has appropriate safeguards in place. This includes ensuring that only authorised personnel have access to the footage collected and that data is stored securely.

Organisations should also consider the implications of using facial recognition technology when installing CCTV systems, as this raises privacy concerns.

Home Security

Home security technology has come a long way, providing added security and peace of mind. An increasing number of home owners are using CCTV systems to monitor their property and deter intruders.

Homeowners should be aware of the laws in place that protect individuals’ privacy and data when installing a CCTV system.

They must ensure they comply with all relevant obligations, including those related to data protection, privacy and surveillance.

Ring door bells and surveillance video cameras are now popular tools used to protect homes.

A ring door bell will alert homeowners to visitors and can be connected to your mobile phone, allowing you to view who is at the door from anywhere.

The video footage captured can also be stored securely online, allowing you to monitor your home remotely.

Surveillance video cameras can provide an additional layer of security, as they make it easier to identify any suspicious activity and alert the police if necessary.

When installing surveillance video cameras in the home, it is important to ensure that their use does not breach any privacy laws.

It is also advisable to make sure the video footage captured by the camera is securely stored, as well as informing neighbours of its use and displaying signage alerting people that a camera is in place.

Professional Installation

Although some surveillance systems can be installed by the homeowner, it can be beneficial to have them professionally installed.

Professional CCTV installers are experienced in setting up CCTV cameras and are knowledgeable on data privacy laws, allowing them to ensure that any system they install complies with current regulations.

Are there any laws on filming in public with a mobile phone?

In most countries, filming in public with a mobile phone is generally considered legal.

However, there are some exceptions to this rule.

For example, some countries have laws that prohibit recording people without their knowledge or consent, while others require individuals to obtain permission from those they are filming before they can do so. It is important to understand the local laws in your area to ensure that you are complying with them.

Also by law you can not film inside government buildings and private properties without explicit consent.

In addition to this, it is important to be mindful of the privacy of others and respect their right to not be filmed, even in public spaces.

Surveillance Security

Surveillance security is used by intelligence services such as the police and military to protect national security information.

police bodycam

Many police officers will wear body cameras while on duty or use drones to monitor large public gatherings.

Intelligence services

Intelligence services also have access to sophisticated surveillance equipment such as listening devices and facial recognition software in order to protect the public from potential threats.

These security measures must be used with utmost caution, as they can easily infringe upon individual’s privacy rights.

The use of surveillance security by these organisations must comply with relevant privacy laws.

Here are some FAQ’s

  • What does CCTV stand for? – Closed-Circuit Television
  • Is it illegal to have CCTV on your property? – It is not illegal to have CCTV on your property, however you must ensure that it complies with data privacy laws.
  • Is wireless CCTV better than wired? – This will depend on your individual needs and preferences. Wireless CCTV provides more flexibility, whereas wired systems provide more reliable performance.
  • What camera should I buy for my home? – There is a wide range of cameras available, so it is important to consider your needs and budget before making a purchase.
  • What are the privacy laws in the UK? – The UK Data Protection Act 2018 sets out the rules and regulations regarding how data is collected, stored and shared.
  • What should I do if there is a data breach? – In the event of a data breach, it is important to take appropriate measures to protect any personal data that has been compromised.
  • Is there a monthly fee for ring doorbell? – Yes, there is usually a monthly fee for monitoring the video footage captured by Ring doorbells.

To Conclude

From CCTV cameras to Ring doorbells, surveillance security is becoming increasingly popular for both public and private individuals.

However, it is important to ensure that any system installed complies with the relevant privacy laws and respects the rights of others.

Professional CCTV installation can be beneficial in this regard, as professional installers are experienced in setting up such systems and ensuring that they comply with all the necessary laws.

tv buyers guide

Choosing the Perfect TV: A Comprehensive Buyer’s Guide

When it comes to buying a new TV, it can be difficult to know which is the best choice for you. This TV buyer’s guide aims to help you make the best buying decision.

With so many manufacturers and models on offer, it’s important to understand the different features that make up a good quality TV set.

This guide will help you decide which TV is right for your needs.

What types of TV are available?

The two main types of TV are LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) and LED (Light Emitting Diode). LCD TVs offer sharper image, while LED TVs use light-emitting diodes for improved brightness and contrast.

Both types will provide excellent quality picture and sound, although LED TVs usually have more advanced features such as local dimming and wide colour gamut.

When shopping for a new TV, be sure to look out for features like local dimming and HDR (High Dynamic Range).

Local dimming allows you to adjust the brightness of your picture depending on the lighting in your room, while HDR improves the range of colours and makes images pop.

Smart TV is also a key feature to look out for. Smart TVs come with built-in internet access, making it easy to stream movies and TV shows, browse the web and connect to gaming consoles.

What screen size is the best?

There are a range of TV screen sizes from small to large, so you can choose the size that best suits your needs. Generally speaking, a larger TV provides a better viewing experience as it offers more detail and clarity.

If you’re buying for an entertainment room or home cinema, then it might be worth looking into a bigger screen such as 55 inches or above.

The bigger the screen size, the more immersive it will be, but also bear in mind that larger TVs are heavier and may require extra support.

TV wall Brackets

If you have decided to have a wall mounted TV, then it’s important to get the right type of TV wall mount.

There are a few different types such as:

  • Tiltable – This type mount allows you to adjust the angle of your TV up and down
  • Ceiling Mount – Ceiling mounts are ideal for home cinemas as they provide flexibility when it comes to positioning your TV
  • Swivel – This type of mount allows you to adjust the angle of your TV from left to right, giving you more control over the viewing experience.
  • Fixed mounts -This mount will hold your TV in a fixed position with no adjustment

You will also need to think about the positioning of the TV so that it near to a power source and ensure there will be space for the HDMI cable to connect the TV and other devices, such as a soundbar.

Where in a room should you put a TV?

Where you place your TV in the room will depend on how many people are likely to be viewing it and the size of the space. Generally, a larger room can accommodate a bigger television, while smaller rooms might require you to opt for a smaller screen.

It’s also important to consider where the couch or chairs will be placed in relation to the TV. You’ll want to ensure that everyone has a good view, so think about how far away the seating is from the TV and make sure you get one with enough resolution to provide a sharp and clear image.

Finally, it’s worth bearing in mind that sunlight can affect the viewing experience, so try to avoid having the television in direct sunlight.

Do I need an Aerial for a new TV?

If you want to watch free-to-air channels such as Freeview, then you will need an aerial. However Smart TVs connects to your Wi-Fi, allowing you to access streaming services such as Netflix and Hulu without the need for an aerial.

Smart TVs

Smart TVs are becoming increasingly popular, as they allow you to access streaming services and watch live TV. They usually come with a in-built operating system with TV apps, making it easier to find the content you’re looking for.

Smart TV’S include streaming apps such as:

  • Netflix,
  • Disney+,
  • Apple TV,
  • Amzon Prime TV,
  • You Tube
  • ITV Hub
  • BBC iPlayer

Plus many more.

4K Ultra HD TV

With a 4K TV you will find the picture quality has sharper images and better detail, making them ideal for watching movies or playing video games.

They also come with HDR (High Dynamic Range) which improves the range of colours and makes images pop.

8K Resolution TV

8K TVs are the latest technology and offer even higher levels of resolution, providing incredible detail. This makes them perfect for watching fast-paced sports as well as movies and playing games.


3D TV’s are becoming less popular as the technology is being replaced by 4K Ultra HD TVs.

3D TVs come with two glasses which help create a 3D effect on the screen, so you feel like you’re part of the action.

Curved TV

Curved TV’s have become more popular in recent years. They provide a more immersive viewing experience as the screen is curved which provides an improved field of view.

However, it’s important to consider where you are placing the TV as Curved TVs need to be placed in the center of the room otherwise they won’t provide optimum viewing angles.


LCD TVs are the most common type of television as they offer a good balance between quality and affordability.

They come in various sizes and are often the best option for budget conscious shoppers, but the picture quality can suffer depending on how close you sit to the screen.


An LED TV uses light-emitting diodes to create a brighter and sharper picture. They are often more energy efficient than LCD TVs and have better brightness levels.

They come in various sizes and while they tend to be slightly more expensive, they offer much better picture quality compared to other types of television sets.


QLED TVs are the latest and most advanced type of television.

They use Quantum Dot technology which gives them a wider range of colours, better brightness levels and improved picture clarity.

A QLED TV also comes with features such as HDR which improves screen resolution, making them ideal for gaming or watching movies.


OLED TVs provide one of the best picture quality experiences on the market.

They use self-illuminating pixels which create vivid colours and deep blacks, allowing you to view images in stunning clarity.

However, they are more expensive than LCD TVs and may not be suitable for all budgets.


NEO QLED TVs are the latest type of television on the market. They use Quantum Dot technology to create a brighter and sharper picture, while also providing improved contrast levels.

They also come with features such as HDR which further enhances the viewing experience. NEO QLED TVs offer a superior picture quality compared to other types of LCD TVs.


HDR TV’s make use of a technology called High Dynamic Range (HDR) which produces brighter whites and darker blacks, making images look more realistic.

They are available in both LCD and OLED versions, so you can choose the one that best suits your needs.

Android TV

Android TV’s are the latest in smart TVs and run on the same operating system as Android phones.

These smart tv features allow you to access a range of streaming services, apps and games from your remote control.

If you’re looking for an all-in-one entertainment solution then an Android TV could be the perfect choice for you.

They also come with built in voice search, so you can easily find what you’re looking for by speaking into the remote.


LG TVs are renowned for their high quality picture and sound performance.

LG TVs come with a range of features such as Dolby Vision, 4K Ultra HD resolution and HDR 10+ to provide an immersive viewing experience.

They also have streamlined designs which helps them blend in with any home décor.

Samsung TV

Samsung TVs are known for their sleek and stylish designs, making them the perfect choice if you want a modern look in your living room.

Their QLED technology provides stunning picture quality with improved contrast levels, while their Tizen operating system offers access to a range of streaming services and apps.

Sony TV

Sony TVs are known for their superior picture quality and they come in a range of sizes to suit your needs.

Their OLED technology provides stunning colours, deep blacks and bright whites, while their Trolamines displays create incredibly realistic images.

Panasonic TV

A Panasonic TV comes with a range of features such as Dolby Vision and HDR 10+ to provide an immersive viewing experience.

They also have sleek designs which help them fit in nicely with any home décor.

Panasonic TVs are also known for their superior sound quality, making them the perfect choice for movie lovers or anyone who enjoys watching TV shows.

Built in Features

When buying a TV make sure to check out what features are already built into the TV.

Many TVs come with built in features such as:

  • Gaming consoles,
  • Streaming services
  • Internet
  • Advanced audio systems
  • Voice search

It should also state the built in screen resolution and HDR standards, so always check the specifications before buying.

Screen Resolutions to look for are:

  • HD Ready (720p),
  • Full HD (1080p)
  • Ultra HD (4K).

HDR standards include:

  • HDR 10
  • Dolby Vision
  • HLG – (Hybrid Log-Gamma)

Sound Quality

Another important factor when buying a new TV is the sound quality.

Sometimes the TV’S built in speakers may not be enough so you should consider investing in a sound bar or surround sound system.

The sound systems range from basic stereo to advanced 7.1 Dolby Digital and will vastly improve the overall viewing experience.

TV Accessories

You may also want to consider investing in some additional accessories such as:

These will all help you get the most out of your viewing experience and protect your TV from any potential damage.

Is it better to buy a smart TV or a regular TV?

This depends on your individual needs. If you are looking for an all-in-one entertainment solution then a smart TV could be the best option. It will provide access to streaming services, apps and games from your remote control.

If you’re just looking for a basic television with decent picture quality, then a regular TV may be the better choice.

No matter which type of TV you choose, make sure to the specifications and features before making your purchase. This ensure that you get the best experience for your budget.

Which is better OLED or LED?

OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) and LED (Light Emitting Diode) are two different technologies used in TV displays.

OLED TVs offer superior picture quality compared to LED TVs as they provide deeper blacks, brighter whites and more vivid colors.

They also require less power to operate which makes them more energy efficient.

On the other hand, LED TVs are generally more affordable and offer great picture quality with excellent brightness levels.

Ultimately it comes down to personal preference as OLED and LED TVs both provide a great viewing experience.

What to avoid when buying a TV?

When buying a TV, it’s important to avoid purchasing outdated models.

For example, HD Ready TVs are no longer the standard and offer a much lower picture quality than Full HD or Ultra HD TVs.

It’s also not advisable to buy TVs with low refresh rates as this will cause motion blur when watching fast-paced content.

Additionally, you should avoid buying TVs with poor sound quality as this will greatly reduce your overall viewing experience.

After how many years should you buy a new TV?

Generally it’s recommended to replace your current TV after about 5-7 years. This is because technology advances quickly and newer models offer improved picture quality, features, and more energy efficiency.

In addition, the backlighting of older TVs will start to degrade over time which can affect overall picture quality.

What to look for when buying a smart TV?

When buying a smart TV, the features and specifications to look out for include:

  • Screen resolution,
  • HDR standards,
  • Built in audio system,
  • Voice search capabilities
  • Streaming services.

It’s important to take your time and do some research before making your purchase so that you get the best TV for your budget.

What is the latest and best TV on the market?

The latest and highest technology TVs currently available are either OLED or QLED models, both of which offer superior picture quality and more energy efficiency.

Brands such as Samsung, LG, Sony and Panasonic all offer excellent OLED or QLED options.

It’s best to do some research on the different models available as prices can vary significantly depending on size and features.

TV Buying Guide Quick Tips:

  • Check the specifications and features before buying
  • Consider investing in additional accessories for a better viewing experience
  • Avoid outdated models or those with low refresh rates and poor sound quality
  • Replace your current TV after 5-7 years to get the best picture quality and features.
  • Determine whether you need a Smart TV or a regular one.
  • Consider OLED or LED technology depending on your budget and preferences.

We hope this guide has given you a better understanding of the different types of TVs available and what to look out for when buying a new one.

Happy shopping!

man installing tv wall bracket

How to install a TV wall bracket – A guide for DIYers

There are many things to take into consideration when planning to install a TV wall mount.

With careful preparation, the installation of a wall mount for your flat screen TV is an easy DIY project that can save you money.

Here’s what you need to know before getting started.

Install yourself or hire a professional?

Before you start drilling holes in your wall, you should stop to consider whether you would be better off hiring an approved installer. A professional can install your TV wall mount in minutes and the cost should be quite reasonable. The standard of work will be high and you can spend your time doing something else.

If you’re sure that you want to install your own bracket, then read on.

Size and Weight

The size of TV screen you have and the TV’s weight must be taken into account when planning to install a TV mount.

If you are instilling a new TV check the TV manual to find the TV’s exact measurements and weight.

Measure the width of your TV before looking for a compatible bracket. Generally, the larger the screen size, the heavier it will be – meaning you’ll need an appropriate sturdy mount to hold it in place.

Smaller TV’s tend to be lighter weight and will require a smaller TV mount, whereas larger units may require multiple brackets for the best support.

Your TV must be supported securely by the bracket.

It is important that you buy a wall plate that is compatible with your TV size and weight. This part of the mount will bear most of the load, so it needs to be strong enough to keep your television securely mounted to the wall.

Distance from the wall

You should also check how close to the wall the TV will fit when mounted as this will affect where you need to drill for mounting screws.

It’s a good idea to leave some space behind the TV for wires and cables.


Deciding where to position the TV mount on the wall is important. You’ll need to make sure it’s at eye level, at a good viewing distance and secure.

Also consider what type of studs you have in your walls as this will determine if you can mount the bracket securely into them or not.

Another thing to ensure is that there are plug holes nearby for the TV and any other devices to plug into.

Wall Types

You will need to check the type of wall you will be mounting your TV onto, for example a brick wall will need different fixings to a Plasterboard wall.

Types of Wall Mounts

There are also different mounts available such as:

  • A Tilting mount, which allows you to tilt the TV forward and back to get the best viewing angle.
  • A Flat mount, which keeps the TV in a fixed position close to the wall.
  • A Full Motions/Articulating mount, which allows you to move your TV in multiple directions for maximum flexibility.

VESA standards

The VESA standards (Video Electronics Standards Association) ensure that your TV will fit the wall mount you buy.

vesa mount

Check to make sure that the VESA measurements on your bracket match the measurements of your TV. This is usually found in the TV manual or online.

This helps you find a good compatible mount for your TV.

Non-VESA TV brackets

Several television companies do not follow VESA standards.

You may need to buy a specific wall mount for these sets. Check your manual for compatibility or contact the TV manufacturer to find out about compatible mounting solutions.

Safety First!

It is essential that you place your wall mount properly and use the right fixings to ensure it’s secure and won’t result in any harm.

Please always compare the weight of the television mount with the weight of that mounting.

How to hide TV cables and wires

The last thing you need to consider when you’re mounting your television on your wall will be cable management.

The way you hide them varies depending largely on personal preferences.

One of the most common ways to hide cables is by running them along the wall.

You can attach your cables to existing cable channels or feed them into a thin conduit that you paint to match your wall colour.

Another way is to use cable covers, which are designed specifically for this purpose and allow you to run cables through the wall without drilling any holes.

What Tools do you need?

To start your installation you will need the following tools:

  • Power Drill
  • Screwdriver
  • Tape Measure
  • Screws
  • Wall Plugs
  • Spirit Level
  • Stud Finder (If mounting onto plasterboard)
  • Pencil or Marker pen or masking tape

Once you have purchased your TV mount, and ensured you have all the necessary tools and equipment it is time to begin installation process.

Here is our Step by Step guide:

Step 1 – Stud Finder

Before beginning the installation process, you will need to locate any wall studs that may be behind your television. To do this, you’ll need a stud finder.

A stud finder is a tool available at most hardware stores and can help you identify the location of wall studs.

Step 2 – Drilling Pilot Holes

Once you have determined the locations of your wall studs, you’ll need to drill pilot holes into the walls for mounting.

Using a drill with a masonry bit, slowly bore holes in the places that mark where the screws will be secure.

Take care not to drill too deep as this could cause damage to electrical wiring or plumbing behind the wall.

Step 3 – Mount the Bracket

When drilling is complete, you can now mount the TV bracket to your wall.

Mounting holes in the bracket should match up with the pilot holes you have just drilled.

holding tv mount against wall

Using the screws provided, secure the bracket to the wall. Use a spirit level to check that it is straight before tightening all of the screws securely.

Be sure that all screws are properly tightened and there are no gaps between the bracket and wall surface.

Step 4 – Secure Your TV

Once the bracket is secure, gently place your TV onto the mount and make sure it fits snugly and securely.

Use the appropriate screws to attach your television to the wall mount bracket.

Firmly attach all screws into the screw holes and check the position of the TV on the wall is perfectly level and at eye level .

Step 5 – Connect the Cables

Once your TV has been mounted, now it’s time to connect the cables.

Plug in the power and any other necessary cables such as HDMI, audio or a coaxial cable to your rooftop TV aerial.

You can use cable ties to help keep all of your wires neat and tidy.

Now you have completed the installation process, you can sit back, relax and enjoy your newly mounted TV.

5 Top Tips for Installing TV wall mounts:

  1. Measure and Mark – Carefully measure the position where you wish to mount your TV bracket onto the wall. Use a spirit level to ensure it is level and then mark these positions with either masking tape or a marker pen.
  2. Cables – Be aware of any cables and wires that needs to connect to your TV. Ensure these can reach from behind the tv to their respective sockets .
  3. Mount the Bracket – Hold your bracket against the wall and mark where the holes for screws need to go. Using your drill, attach the bracket to wall with appropriate fixings for your type of wall (e.g plasterboard requires different fixings to brick).
  4. Spirit Level – Make sure you use a spirit level to ensure the bracket is perfectly level and the TV is straight.
  5. Attach the TV to the Bracket – Using the screws provided, attach your TV to the TV mount ensuring its secure and level.
  6. Connect Power and Cables -Connect any cables and power cords before testing your TV and ensure your picture quality is optimal.

Following these steps, should help you when installing your wall bracket.

Once you should have a securely installed TV wall mount , you can enjoy your newly wall mounted TV.

World Cup

We recommend testing the mount periodically to ensure it remains secure and there are no loose screws or fixings.

If at any point you find that something isn’t quite right with your wall mount, then please contact a professional installer for assistance.

Doing so will help ensure a safe and secure installation.

Thanks for taking the time to use our DIY guide on TV wall mounting.

We hope you found it useful and that your TV is now securely mounted! Enjoy!

wireless cctv camera installation

What you need to know about wireless CCTV camera systems

Home security provides peace of mind to any homeowner, and is becoming more of a necessity rather than a luxury.  Whether you are at home, work or away, they give you the ability to keep a watchful eye over your home over your internet connection.  Wireless CCTV camera systems link easily to an app on your phone, which will notify for you when there is an intruder.

It is important to understand, before making any purchase, what you want to achieve with your wireless CCTV system which will include wireless security cameras.  To guide you through this, we have included topics below to help you make the right decision.

Smart Security

When you’re starting your search for your CCTV security system, you may see smart security referenced.  Don’t let this cause confusion, this simply means that your CCTV kit and security cameras will connect to the internet through WiFi.  Typically, smart security cameras will be powered and operated by an app on your smart phone or/and through a smart speaker.  Some other features typically associated with smart security cameras include:

  • Facial recognition
  • Two-way audio/two-way talk (built-in microphone)
  • Live video streaming
  • Motion detection with pet detection (to avoid unnecessary alarm triggers)

Of course you may find that other features are more or less important for your smart home, so it’s up to you to consider what features you like and what you think you may need when designing your own system.

Types of CCTV security system

Firstly decide where you want to place the CCTV kit, mainly the wireless security cameras.  Cameras are typically designed for indoor or outdoor use.  It is important to decide where you want an outdoor camera or indoor camera to be placed.  This will help you decide on the CCTV camera kit that you need.  Some of the systems available will enable you to add indoor and outdoor cameras – so worth checking before you make a decision on what brand or CCTV kit to invest in. Check the IP rating of your camera to determine how suitable it is for outdoor use. IP stands for Ingress Protection and is a rating to describe how resistant to dust and water a device’s enclosure is.

HD CCTV System

When you are looking at a HD CCTV system you are ideally looking at the number of mega pixels provided which is usually 1080P.  It will give you a high-resolution image making it easier to view and see what is happening on a live image as well as ensuring any recordings made are easy to view and watch.  Afterall, having a home CCTV installation is about checking what is going on at your home whether you are in or out and ensuring that you have a good image to view is essential. 

The higher your camera resolution though, the faster your local storage will fill up and the more data that will have to be transferred to your cloud storage via your internet connection. You may also find that high resolution cameras decrease your battery life.

Night Vision

It is extremely beneficial if you can get a wireless CCTV system which includes night vision wireless security cameras.  They are vital to enable you to monitor your home around the clock.  The night vision technology allows the outdoor camera to capture clear images in very low or no light conditions.  This helps to ensure you know what is happening when it goes dark and in the night when you are asleep or away.  They don’t flash at all to capture any image, so an intruder wouldn’t be alerted to the presence of your outdoor security camera.

One of the most important benefits of night vision with any CCTV cameras is that it allows for 24-hour surveillance. This is especially useful in areas with high crime rates, or for businesses looking to protect their premises from potential intruders. With a night vision security system, you can monitor your property day and night, and rest assured knowing that your property is secure. Bear in mind that night vision uses invisible infra-red light to illuminate the scene, leading to a black and white video output. You can’t get colour night vision.

These days many cameras have night vision built in, but if this feature is important to you, then it’s worth confirming before purchasing.

Field of View

Not only is it important to place your outdoor and indoor cameras in the best place to protect your home, you need to consider the camera’s field of view that is available to the cameras in your chosen position.  You ideally need to aim for a field of view of about 130 degrees and for a video doorbell, about 160 degrees – this will help you to see who is standing at your door or if any parcels have been left on your doorstep.

The field of view is set by the camera lens which on some devices can be changed, but most consumer CCTV cameras have a fixed lens.

Micro-SD Card

This is a great option where you don’t have to opt for a paid cloud storage solution of recordings, which usually come with a subscription fee.  Within a wireless CCTV security system, you will find the ability to add a micro-SD card, simply put, a memory card to store footage for later recovery.  This is a vital piece of technology for your wireless security cameras, as they record what the camera sees, which could prove very useful at some point.  Therefore, it is important to make sure images recorded are clear and clean to view.

The first thing to consider is the capacity, some recommendations may come with the model of outdoor camera that you have purchased.  Also think how you will use your outdoor camera – will you use it to record continuously or only be triggered after motion detection.  Then check out the camera’s resolution, full HD as previously mentioned have at least 1080P, so always check compatibility with the micro-SD card you decided to purchase. 

Look out, ideally for a micro-SD card that is designed specifically for use with outdoor security camera.  Most SD cards are designed for phones and cameras which require a shorter recording time – versus the continuous recording you would want with your CCTV security system.  Specific cards for your outdoor cameras, will have been tested for endurance which would be supported by the warranty.  They will have better resistance to temperature with being outdoors, rain, dust and will give you a better peace of mind in knowing your recordings are safe.

Some cameras have local storage as well as a micro SD card, so it’s worth checking before you buy.

Video Resolution

When choosing your outdoor camera, be aware of the different camera resolutions available.  The last think you want is a poor image and picture that you can’t see or is of little help to you.  All images are made up of pixels, the minimum you should be looking for is 1080P if you want decent video quality.  This quality or higher, will ensure you can see and record a clear image for both and day and night and can be achieved in an affordable budget.

In comparison, traditional CCTV systems have lower resolutions, which can be as low as 320 by 240 pixels.

Noise Reduction

When looking for your CCTV security system, you will see references to DNR, which simply means Digital Noise Reduction.  Inevitably, recording day or night, there will be an element of noise interference.  It will interfere with the image or recording which you will see as mainly black and white spots and will make the image grainy.  To combat this, wireless CCTV cameras come equipped with different types of DNR, either 2D or 3D.  Opting for a security camera with 3D will give you a better result, the 2D option will still help you get the result you want.  On some high-end cameras, you will see a combination of 2D and 3D DNR which will give you the best result but may push you out of your budget.

Ring products

If you haven’t already heard of them, Ring is a home and smart security company owned by Amazon.  They are one of the top smart home platforms, who manufacture and sell products for home security and surveillance, cameras for both indoor and outdoor use and a smart doorbell.  As you would expect, fully compatible and operational with the Amazon Alexa. One of their main product lines is indoor security cameras.

If you care considering using their products, it is worth looking at the their CCTV security system packs.  They come with keypad which you can use to operate the system and there are different packs where you can opt for indoor and outdoor cameras, add on a doorbell – all different packs to accommodate how many cameras you would need for your security system and whether you want to opt for additional sirens and free-standing stick cameras.

Ring Protect

This is an additional service provided by Ring, offered via 2 plans to help you get the most out of their products.  There is Protect Basic and Protect Plus.

Protect Basic

Simple plan for one doorbell or ring indoor cam with one flat price.  Enables you to activate video recording for each individual devices to see – you can save and share videos.  The cost is £3.49/month per device. 

Protect Plus

Provides more coverage and a better experience, covering all your Ring doorbells and cameras in your home for £8/month.  Same service as the basic plan but a better coverage.
You can see the full list of benefits on their website.

Google Nest Cam

These are included in the smart security products and services provided by Google.  They have a full range in addition to the Google Nest cam for smart security that include thermostats, smoke detectors and a lot more.  Their aim is to help you build your smart and connected home.

Google Nest CCTV camera

Google Nest CCTV camera

The Google nest cam comes in a variety of different models, indoor and outdoor, battery, wired and wireless.  You can also opt for one with a floodlight.  They all require the Google Home app and are similar in their specification but worth checking out their website to find out the full details. The motion detection feature on Google Nest cameras is very good too.

Home CCTV Installation

There are many CCTV security systems out there, which are aimed at you being able to install yourself. A CCTV kit includes things like the camera, power adapter, any network cable or wifi aerial, window stickers, instruction manual and maybe a CD with software.  Basic security camera systems are easy to do and certainly the Ring and Google Nest products are designed for home installation, although Ring now provide access to professional installers.  We would always recommend consulting an experienced home CCTV installation expert.  They will be able to help guide you to decide what you need, the products available and the pros and cons of different options.  They are best placed to know where your wireless security cameras should be placed to give you the best coverage and also the products which you will find the easiest to operate.

For even better coverage, you cam place multiple cameras in multiple locations around your property to deter would-be burglars. With the advent of WiFi, this is easier than ever before.

Battery powered camera options are available which avoid having to call an electrician to install mains power cables. The downside to battery powered cameras compared to wired cameras is the battery life. Most cameras have an internal rechargeable battery that has to be charged every month or two. If you don’t want to deal with charging devices or monitoring battery life, then stick to wired cameras.

Before you make a decision on whether you want to install a security system yourself, consult an experienced professional to get some guidance and a cost to have your CCTV security system installed.


Households can reduce energy bills using smart home technology

The latest Smart home technology has been developed to provide convenient solutions that allow people to enjoy effective security, ease of living and access to online media.

While these tangible benefits are clear, smart home technology is also adopted by many households across the UK to help them cope with increased living costs. In this blog, we’ll explore just how smart technology can assist when it comes to making significant savings.


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Burglar 002

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