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Households can reduce energy bills using smart home technology


Households can reduce energy bills using smart home technology

The latest Smart home technology has been developed to provide convenient solutions that allow people to enjoy effective security, ease of living and access to online media.

While these tangible benefits are clear, smart home technology is also adopted by many households across the UK to help them cope with increased living costs. In this blog, we’ll explore just how smart technology can assist when it comes to making significant savings.

Total usage control

Home technology solutions need electricity to operate. From home heating and lighting solutions to home cinema and security systems like alarms and cameras, electrical equipment requires a mains power connection, but smart technology allows users to access and configure systems from their phones and tablets so they can decide how and when they are active.

As a result, homeowners have optimum control of their energy consumption. They can programme heating and lighting systems to turn on in only rooms in use when required, eliminating waste, and lowering utility costs.

Making life convenient to make savings

Energy Savings Trust stats confirm that UK households can save as much as £35 a year when they ensure electrical equipment is not left on standby. Switching off appliances at the wall can be an annoyance when plugs are in tricky-to-access areas. As a result, many people keep equipment on standby mode, where it is still using power.

Smart plugs are an invaluable option that allow homeowners to switch off all their home equipment easily using an app, whether the individual devices are smart or not to make savings.

To find an expert smart home installer and start saving, use Getmedigital’s directory today.

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