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Category: Smart Health

Digital Wellness: Balancing Technology and a Healthy Lifestyle

digital wellness

Digital wellness is a relatively new concept that refers to the overall impact of digital technology on our physical health, mental health, and emotional health. In today’s world, digital technology has become an integral part of our daily lives. From smartphones to social media to virtual assistants, we are constantly surrounded by digital devices and [...]read moreDigital Wellness: Balancing Technology and a Healthy Lifestyle

AI expert reveals new smart mirror


Artificial intelligence-focused tech firm ICON.AI recently unveiled its new product - a smart bathroom mirror. [...]

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Does a fitness tracker really help your fitness?

Fitness Tracker

You see these more and more on people’s wrists and the buzz is about how many calories have you burned, how many steps you have taken, but do fitness trackers really help with your fitness. We do all know that moving more and exercising more is good for our heart, but do we know if [...]read moreDoes a fitness tracker really help your fitness?

Apple Watch Series 6 and SE

Apple watches

If you go to buy the latest Apple Watch, you will typically be presented with the series 6 or SE options. It is worth thinking before you go to purchase your watch, what it is exactly you want to use it for and the features you wish to benefit from – this will help you choose the best option for you.

In essence, these two models are very similar. They both run from the latest watchOS 7 software and have GPS built in – the benefit of this is so you can go out running or even just out and about knowing you will still get the accurate fitness stats you want. They both have good bright screens and are water resistant upto 50m.


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