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Tag: tips

Tag: tips

What is the best broadband provider?


Broadband has become an essential utility, on par with gas, electricity and water. Few homes are ever without it and, with an increased dependence on connectivity, who we choose to provide that broadband becomes an important consideration.

As times are tough and money needs to stretch further than ever, our attention naturally turns to getting the best deal.

As broadband can be a significant monthly outgoing, anything you can save without impacting your service has to be a good thing.


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How your smart home could be at risk from hackers

Our homes are becoming full of smart home devices as we strive for a more efficient and automated life and experience, but are you at risk of being hacked? The simple answer is ‘yes’.  A typical selection of smart home devices ranges from televisions to security networks through to thermostats and more and more smart [...]read moreHow your smart home could be at risk from hackers

Save your energy


With the rise in cost in gas and electric, there is no better time to look at how you can use less energy and become more efficient in the home.  Surprisingly the average household (containing 4 occupants) uses 13 electronic devices – all using energy.  Naturally over the past 10 years we have been increasing [...]read moreSave your energy