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Three useful tips for positioning home CCTV installation


Three useful tips for positioning home CCTV installation

Modern closed-circuit television (CCTV) devices are readily available to buy at cost-effective prices. Providing peace of mind and enhanced home security, these innovative options support a range of useful features, from convenient app control to high-resolution images and built-in motion detection.

However, to make the most of this invaluable technology, devices must be positioned properly. Read on for three pieces of advice when stationing CCTV on your property.

1. Guard all access points

Home security experts recommend all entrances to your property should have their own dedicated camera. Place one at your front door, one covering the rear of your home and one on each side if you are in a detached residence.

2. Consider the height of equipment

CCTV cameras should be installed high up and positioned looking down. With a higher position, criminals will struggle to interfere with them, and you will be assured of a clear picture of any unwanted activity. Under a roof’s eaves makes for an ideal location.

Many cameras today feature powerful motion detection. As a result, nearby road traffic can trigger them, but if devices are pointed downwards, you can avoid any unnecessary false alarms.

3. Keep outdoor devices visible

Finally, consider keeping exterior cameras in plain sight, as this can act as a potent deterrent that will intimidate many criminals and stop them attempting to trespass.

Finding the right CCTV installer

If you need a professional to install your home CCTV system, you can use our handy directory of pre-approved experts at Getmedigital. Start searching now to find a local CCTV installer and ramp up your home security today.

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