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How to build customer confidence in an installation service

Ring Installer

How to build customer confidence in an installation service

Home technology installation is a growing market here in the UK, with many households adopting the latest smart solutions for lighting, security and entertainment. As a result, firms focused on fitting equipment must have a fresh flow of new business while retaining their existing customer base if they wish to keep competitive.

In this blog, we’ll look at how home technology installers can tick both these boxes by ensuring customers feel confident in the services on offer.

Become an approved installer

As a home technology installer, you will be interacting with their property, often working in an environment inhabited by their loved ones and filled with their personal possessions and valuables. As a result, they must feel comfortable that they can trust you. By becoming approved, you can show your customers that you have been background checked and can be counted upon to perform your trade professionally. If customers have a choice between hiring a pre-checked installer or an unknown quantity, which option do you think they will pick?

Acquiring the Digital Tick

You might have an abundance of experience and qualifications that allow you to handle specific equipment installations. However, most customers are looking for a simple sign that you are a professional and reliable installer. As an approved installer, you have the right to add the “Digital Tick” to your ID, vehicle, website and printed marketing materials. The Tick is a symbol of high-quality workmanship and dependability and can help customers see instantly that you are capable and trustworthy.

To become an approved installer with Getmedigital, contact us today for details.

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