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Starlink Internet – the new high speed internet service

Starlink Mounted

Starlink Internet – the new high speed internet service

What is Starlink Internet?

Starlink Internet service is provided by a satellite system. It is an alternative service to the likes of BT, Virgin or any other broadband provider and who you typically think of as your broadband choices.

Who is it provided by?

Starlink Internet is the brainchild of Elon Musk and his team and already Starlink has sent 100’s of satellites into space – this is for his Starlink service which he is aiming to offer worldwide.

Why would Starlink Internet be an option for you?

In many rural locations, getting a decent internet speed to be able to stream, game or work from home, or even just to satisfy your family needs is a challenge, due to speeds that you can get or even the choice of broadband providers.  So here enters Starlink Internet.

Why should I choose Starlink Internet?

Starlink internet is capable of delivering 150Mbps internet speeds which is a massive difference to what would currently be available in a rural location, and even in town and cities.  To benefit from speeds that reach upto this level all you need is a clear view of the sky from where your satellite dish will be placed.

How do I find out if it is available in my area?

Simply go to and enter your address to see if the service is available for your area or when it will be expected to be.  If it is, you will be taken to an order page.

What does it cost?

Hardware will cost you £529.00 plus £50.00 for shipping and you then pay £89 per month for the service.  Although this can be self-installed, it is recommended you contact an Approved Starlink Installer.

What type of service should I expect?

You should expect speeds between 100-200Mbps for download speeds and about 30Mbps for upload and should improve as more Starlink Internet satellites are launched.  You should also not be affected by weather unless exceptionally severe.

What kit do I expect?

You will receive a satellite dish, cable for the system which needs to be linked to your router.  Easy but again is it always advisable to seek help from an Approved Starlink Installer.

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