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Interesting stats about the smart home

Smart Home Technology Professional 1

Interesting stats about the smart home

It is always good to know what is happening in your sector and we have pulled together some interesting and informative stats which shows that this sector is only full of opportunities.

These stats are compiled from various reports from the last 18 months.

  • 3 in 4 (74%) of people own at least one smart home device
  • Over the last year nearly a quarter (24%) invested in at least three smart home devices
  • Focus on smart home purchases is for efficiency and safety
  • Nearly half of consumers who have some form of smart tech – 45% have a smart TV
  • One third of the above own a smart speaker

Top 5 owned devices are:-

  • Smart TV 45%
  • Smart Speaker 32%
  • Smart Thermostat 18%
  • Smart Light Bulb 17%
  • Smart WiFi Router 16%

Most wanted smart technology:-

  • 2 in 5 (41%) want a smart security camera system
  • 35% want a smart doorbell
  • Security is deemed to be the focus on purchasing smart home devices
  • Household bills with the contribution of the pandemic have increased by 29% – 47% of consumers are confused as to how smart technology can help reduce their bills
  • Brits are looking for smart technology to save them money and energy with 56% saying it needs to make life more convenient
  • More than half of UK households have their TV connected to the internet
  • Approximately half of UK households subscribe to at least one subscription video-on-demand service such as Netflix or Amazon Prime Video
  • 42% of adults consider online video services to be their main way of watching TV
  • There are 2.22 million smart homes in the UK (a smart homehas a central hub (a smart speaker, control panel, or app) that’s linked to at least two devices – for instance, a smart bulb and smart plug)
  • Statistics show that most smart home owners are the younger generation (however the youngest in this bracket (18-34) are trailing behind due to less disposable income
  • 54% of people said they would choose a home with smart technology over one that doesn’t when making a purchase

We hope that you find some of these interesting but we are sure that you can see that there is only opportunity as more households change their habits, want better security, efficiency and to be part of the growing smart home technology boom.  Working in this sector can only open doors in the services and products that you provide and can install and help consumers with.

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